Mind body move nourish Mind body move nourish

Mind body move nourish Mind body move nourish

Mind body move nourish Mind body move nourish Mind body move nourish Mind body move nourish

healthy balanced lifestyle for busy mamas

take the first step today..

fit with flos

Access to our ever-growing library with over 200 classes to choose from, ranging from 10 minute express to 45 minute pilates, strength, HIIT and yoga practices to fit into any part of your day as a busy mum! We are here to support you at each stage of motherhood so no matter whether you are pregnant, postpartum or a busy mama we have got something for you. Or upgrade to experience our VIP Membership 👀

lifestyle reset

For the busy mama who is beyond 12+ months postpartum who is run down, sluggish and has given all of herself to her kids and family for the last few years and is ready to find herself, stop missing out on events or memories with her kiddies because of how unhappy, tired and uncomfortable she is within herself.

Spend 8 intimate weeks together with Tammy to transform your mind, body and quality of life. Get ready to wake up with energy, have more clarity, start prioritising YOURSELF through small but sustainable lifestyle changes that will leave you less bloated, no more mid morning energy slumps or reaching for kids snacks, exercise you enjoy that also challenges you and changes your body shape to reduce your waist line, hips so you can fit into more than 15% of your wardrobe!

1:1 coaching + mentorship

For the pregnant, postpartum or busy mama who knows what she needs to do but needs to be healthier or add in exercise BUT she needs someone to kickstart the journey, keep her accountable and to assist with the implementation! This is for the action taking mama ready to leave the mum guilt, excuses and “I don’t have any me time” behind for a NEW YOU!

Start your journey toward a healthy motherhood today…

meet tammy beshara

Your Personal Trainer, Clinical Pilates Instructor, Pre+Postnatal Specialist and Lifestyle Coach for busy mums!

Tammy created the Flos Motherhood as a space and community to support you, no matter the stage or phase of motherhood you are in. Because let’s be real motherhood can be lonely and isolating, so often we hear about “your village” to be there for you but this doesn’t just exist it must be created and that is exactly what we are building here at Flos. So mothers all over the world can feel heard, seen, appreciated and above all else as though they have a safe place they can exist, connect and for it to be encouraged to take care of and prioritise your health, wellness and fitness.

Let’s explore movement, living a healthy lifestyle, daily habits and routines, mindfulness and specialised education together on our motherhood journey.

Meet Tammy


This is our home, our hub where mothers from across the globe can connect, learn, start moving from home and create your version of a healthy lifestyle. We have a HUGE data base of pilates classes, masterclasses, recipes, challenges and more 🖤



“My core is stronger now than before I had 2 babies! Training doesn’t end at the end of your workout. The skills are takes home and applied to my everyday life

I feel less tires, less acht and more motivated to run around with my kids so that is just amazing”

Gemma Demasi

“Flos motherhood is a full spectrum wellness support from preconception through to being a busy mum. i especially love the abundance of resources to further satisfy learning as well as the specialised Prenatal and soon Postpartum Rehab classes and programs. No one has ever explained pelvic floor and core activation like you do and it works”.

Juvilee Kingaloo
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